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Truth About the Virus




12/31/2021 05:53 PM

TCCF President Peter J. Thomas used this op-ed to spell out his views on the dealing with the Wuhan virus emergency.

Truth About the Virus: It’s time to look past the fear-mongering of the liberal media and politicians, and take comfort in the facts about what’s happening with the Wuhan virus. The actual numbers show good news! The weekly average of virus-related deaths (as reported in the liberal Washington Post) has been steadily declining for almost three months.

The weekly average for new infections, which the media tell us is skyrocketing, leveled off at the end of June and has remained flat since then. Do those numbers justify forcing all Americans to remain at home indefinitely, putting our economy in free fall? Do those numbers justify telling many Americans that they must forego medical treatment, because we need to keep hospitals and doctors ready for a surge of patients that may never come?

Not one governor, Democrat or Republican, has been willing to resort to such extremism. Instead, they are fine-tuning their reopening. Experience is teaching us, state by state and region by region, what is the right pace in each one. When the “experts” make their dire predictions, let’s remember how wrong their predictions have been. At one time, they were predicting that more than one million Americans would die. In early May, they predicted that by June 1 the daily deaths would hit 3,000. (The actual number was 489, and declining.) The “experts” predicted that allowing some students to return to their dorm rooms at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, would bring a devastating plague to that city. Instead, Lynchburg has become one of the safest cities in Virginia, with only one death and a low infection rate.

Virginia’s Democrat Governor, Ralph Northam, has been sharply criticized for the past two months for endangering public safety by reopening too fast, yet Virginia continues to make good progress against the virus and recently had its first day since April without a virus-related death. No one should be surprised that the “experts” are worried that they will lose power (and their TV interviews) if a more level-headed approach is taken. Human nature always seeks power and attention. However, the public good must be our goal, not satisfying the egos of fallible experts. The President and the fifty state governors should be commended for rejecting the extremist course (even though some governors have, at times, mistakenly promoted unfair and/or unnecessary measures). We are already showing that we can get through this emergency.

The economy is coming back. Many states are reopening without increased danger. Each of us should voluntarily do what we can to protect ourselves and others. But we must not to cut ourselves off from the outside world. Let the reopening continue. Tell the truth about the virus.


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