The Conservative Caucus Foundation was founded in 1976. Our mission is to provide a constitutional and conservative perspective on American public policy, thereby contributing to a stronger, freer, and more prosperous America.
The Conservative Caucus Foundation (TCCF) is a nonprofit research foundation dedicated to advancing the principles of constitutional conservatism in American public policy. Established in 1976, TCCF operates as a 501(c)(3) organization, ensuring that donations are fully tax-deductible. Our mission is rooted in providing a comprehensive and principled conservative perspective on critical issues shaping our nation.
Our Commitment
TCCF was founded on the unwavering commitment to uphold the principles of constitutional conservatism. We are devoted to promoting a limited government, fiscal responsibility, and the protection of individual liberties. We recognize the profound impact of sound public policy on the lives of American citizens and endeavor to provide well-researched, constitutional solutions to contemporary challenges.
Our History
The visionary leadership of our founder and first President, Howard Phillips, propelled TCCF into the forefront of conservative advocacy. His pioneering efforts uncovered taxpayer funding of left-wing groups, inspiring the rallying cry of "Defunding the Left" among conservative organizations. Through our newsletter, Eye on Bureaucracy, we exposed unconstitutional federal spending, advocating for fiscal responsibility and government accountability. Our President, Peter J. Thomas, continues our commitment to liberty and restoring Constitutional governance.
Our Focus
TCCF actively engages in research and analysis on a wide range of critical issues:
Constitutional Governance: Through initiatives like the 'First 100 Ways Project,' we explore policy changes that a U.S. president can enact within his constitutional powers, even in the face of a resistant Congress.
Protecting senior citizens from losing earned Social Security benefits through irresponsible governmental actions.
Government Reform: We explain the advantages of reforms such as term limits, abolishing unconstitutional takings of private property such as 'civil asset forfeiture,' congressional compensation, and the defense of the electoral college, promoting a more accountable and effective government.
Fiscal Responsibility: Our Constitutional Budget Project meticulously examines federal budgets to ensure constitutional compliance, holding government departments accountable for their spending.
Immigration and Security: We actively participate in the national discourse on immigration and border security, providing data-driven insights and analysis.
Foreign Policy and National Defense: We contribute to the discourse on arms control treaties, the Panama Canal, and the threat posed by emerging global powers.
Our Invitation To You
TCCF welcomes members of the media, scholars, and researchers to engage with us. Our foundation serves as a valuable resource for interviews and research materials, fostering an informed and principled discussion of vital policy matters.
TCCF remains committed to its enduring mission: to provide a constitutional and conservative perspective on American public policy, thereby contributing to a stronger, freer, and more prosperous America.
Our Vision:
At The Conservative Caucus Foundation (TCCF), we envision a future where the principles of constitutional conservatism serve as the bedrock of American public policy. Our vision is anchored in a United States characterized by limited government, fiscal responsibility, and the protection of American independence and our individual liberties.
We aspire to see a nation where the Constitution is revered as the ultimate safeguard of our freedoms, where government is transparent and accountable to the people, and where sound policy solutions are grounded in constitutional principles. We envision a thriving America, where prosperity is the result of individual initiative and where the rights and values of every citizen are respected and upheld.
Our vision extends to a society where citizens, policymakers, and leaders.
will benefit from the results of TCCF's trusted sources of constitutional wisdom, research, and guidance. Through our unwavering commitment to constitutional conservatism, we aim to inspire a national dialogue that fosters understanding, unity, and a brighter future for all Americans.
In this vision, TCCF continues to be a beacon of principled conservatism, leading the way towards a stronger, freer, and more prosperous America for generations to come.

Peter Thomas has a long history of activity in conservative politics, and as a political appointee in Republican administrations going back to Ronald Reagan. He became President of TCCF in 2013.
Thomas was a founding board member of The Conservative Caucus and served as National Field Director from 1975-1981, seeking to establish a grassroots network in each state and congressional district. He played a key role in organizing citizen opposition to the Panama Canal Treaties, the SALT II Treaty, and the proposed Constitutional Amendment that would have given the District of Columbia voting representation in Congress.
President Reagan appointed him as the New England Regional Administrator of the General Services Administration in 1981, a position he held until 1985. Thomas returned to the Federal government in 1990, working in the Small Business Administration for two years. He gained first-hand experience with Congress as Chief of Staff to Rep. Peter Torkildsen (R-MA) from 1995-1997. He later served President George W. Bush in the Department of Agriculture, rising to the position of Acting Assistant Secretary for Administration.

Mr. Art Harman served as a Legislative Director in Congress where he developed the successful strategy to kill the 2013 Senate amnesty bill, wrote legislation and amendments, and learned from the inside how Congress really works. Harman is also President of the Coalition to Save Manned Space Exploration. Since 2010, he promoted the return to the Moon to decision makers, astronauts, and advised the 2016 Trump campaign on space policy, border security & international broadcasting as well as to the transition and White House. He was the advisor to Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) on foreign affairs, border security, China and Taiwan, science & space. He also wrote the foundational bill for post-Brexit trade relations with the UK for Senator Mike Lee. His policy specialties include foreign policy, China, Taiwan, asymmetric deterrence, border security and NASA/space.
Mr. Harman produced TCC's long-running, nationally-televised public affairs television program, "Conservative Roundtable," and directed major grassroots lobbying and outreach programs. He is a veteran of many radio and TV interviews, and has been published on Red State, Epoch times, The Hill and more.
He’s served on the board of directors of three non-profits, and is an award-winning film producer and photographer. He has traveled extensively in the world and returned home each time with greater appreciation for other cultures as well as a renewed passion to defend the liberties and opportunities Americans often take for granted. He did a shocking inspection of our border with Mexico. Harman witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union, was arrested by the KGB and stood in the footsteps of freedom fighters in Tiananmen Square.
Peter J. Thomas, President
Charles Orndorff, Treasurer
Scott Stanley, Secretary
Mr. Charles Orndorff
Mr. Charles Orndorff, is TCCF's Treasurer and resident Constitutional scholar, with decades of experience in public policy and historical research. He is a policy analyst on issues including taxes, spending, Federal budget and deficit, the Constitution, American founding, Civil War, DC Statehood
Mr. Scott Stanley